Saturday, March 26, 2011

Calling all Sisters

Sometimes you just enjoy What Is

My hope was to stir up a sister overnighter at my house
Our own little bed & breakfast
Life happens and the result was
just Jana and I got a night together
Well, OK, I can totally enjoy that
You know it was a monumentous occasion
because I cooked!
Taco Soup . . . . Yum. . . . Lots of it
Then talk talk talk
We missed the presence and stories of all you absent sisters
maybe next time

There was plenty of soup for all of you

As tends to happen with book loving sisters, we next came to the quiet part of the evening.I pulled out an armload of the latest books
and we meandered and dived into whatever interested us . . . .
til we couldn't stay awake any longer.
I lasted til 11
Jana must have found the best book
as she stayed up til she finished it!
1:30 am

There were no Cheetos in sight at this gathering
and no chocolate toasting
to absent siblings

Obviously I was prepared with the chocolate
but there were no takers
Not a sugar day, you know
In the morning,we trekked together on one of my walking trails
before we said goodbye.

* * * * * * * *

So if we all were together
and compiled our memories with the journal prompt of

"Childhood scents"

How might the list start?:

Avon scent of mom's kiss
Jergen's lotion
Friday night scent of hamburgers, well done
sour staleness of my metal lunch pail
dark burnt scent of chicken beaks severed by a hot wire debeaker
earthy smell of hay on a hot day
new cement when house was first built
slick scent of heavy cream at the top of a bottle of whole milk
hot clean sheet and towels from the dryer
Chanel #5
Baby powder
Crayola wax
Mom's cedar closet
wet feathery smell of the egg washing water
cold icy scent of the walk in freezer
new Christmas doll plastic
brown toasty shuck scent of Uncle Ross' corn on the bonfire coals

What are some of your childhood "scent" memories?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Special guests at my school

Dramatic Lizzie brought her mom and baby Levi to my school.
We had a Youth Theater troupe doing a version of Hansel and Gretl
for our school kids.
I thought Lizzie might enjoy that.
She was a dedicated audience!
Laughed and gasped in all the right spots. :o)

After, the cast let me take some pictures of Lizzie with their
clever set.
I think Lizzie's outfit kind of matches tne lollipop forest.

You'd look sober, too, if you had to stand that close to
that ominous oven!

We got some puppet time
in grandma's office after the production.
Pink-cheek Levi had just awakened from a mini nap.
Lizzie is giving us one of her drama faces.
Beautiful mommy Candice is surrounded with love.
Thanks for coming to visit, sweet family.
It was fun to share some time with you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

But Can He Dance?

Another music blessing. A friend invited me to join her at a performance of the Boise Philharmonic Symphony. I didn't know if I was music savvy enough to even enjoy it.

A listening feast
pluck, pluck of deep vibrating strings
bowing zest of First violin

Most fun of all:
the conductor

His beat pattern
not a pattern at all
a dance
of wrist turns
Swaying and bowing
from the waist
Reaching his long arm
into the viola section
then swooping left
til he faced the first violins

Bouncing up and down on his toes
with hand drawing
legato waves
in the air

Air poking

A singular black-coat-with-tails
with all musicians
in synchronized response

I was mesmerized

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Art Invitation at School. Part 1

Art privilege!

I was invited to join a 6th grade class last week.

They were beginning a water color project as a Mothers' Day gift.

(flowing color with "boulders")

Last year I drooled over the kids' art results,

oo-ing and ah-ing.

(yes there was purple in them)

So this year, the volunteer teaching the project invited me to join in.

Yea! I thought that would be a therapeutic thing

for the counselor to learn to do.

I only got the first stage done

before I had to leave the room.

If I can get finished, maybe I'll share here.

I think the kids were tickled that I had enough interest to join them.

Performance night---RS Birthday Celebration

Adrenaline was seeping into my veins
even before it was time to sing
I could feel my heart beginning to beat faster
Breathe deep and slow, LD.

We had finished our dinner and now were seated in a packed chapel.
As usual, there was a room full of friendly sister chat happening
almost over shadowing
the harp duet prelude
which was lovely
(prelude, not the chat din)

I had disengaged from my own greetings to my pew mates
wanting to be ready for any start clues
There would be no one standing to start the program
It would just be our Mary Jane standing to "soprano" our beginning.

I kept turning to peek at her, two rows behind me.
I'd lift my eyebrows and mouth
When are we starting?
She'd shrug and mouth back
Have to wait til the harps finish.

Oh yeah, that makes sense

Did you bring your pitch pipe?
No, she said, then she lifted into view
a tiny hand held something
that had her beginning pitch recorded for her to listen to
Good luck hearing that over the hum of voices

A sweet friend knelt in the aisle beside me
I want to talk to you about that trip coming up

Call me rude
I turned my face away from her
looked up at the podium area and said
Can't talk now
I need to concentrate

Moments later
she understood

Harps finished
Sister chatter began to lessen
I turned to look back
There Mary Jane was
on her feet
in full voice

whispers quieted

I locked a tight focus on my sheet music
determined to come in on the exact right count
On my feet
belt it out
with the power of angels

We're in the zone
and it just got better and better
as the whole chorus joined
then the whole congregation of sisters
Amen and amen

The sweet element of surprise
Strength of voice and testimony
Beauty of glorious harmony
Tenderly thrilling
Totally satisfying

Ah . . . . .I was thankful for such an opportunity
I Noticed That, yes I did.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Last Rehearsal Coming Up

Hurrah! I get to do some singing
I have been asked to be part of a women's chorus for
this week's stake RS birthday event.
I assumed we would be a huge chorus like last time I joined in
There are 16 of us, 4 per part.
We are singing an arrangement of
The Spirit Of God Like a Fire is Burning.
I don't know if I am spoiling a surprise
for those who might be attending
Stop reading if you are going
want to be in mystery!
Remember food court version
of the Hallelujah Chorus
you saw in December on Youtube?
Yeah, that one you played over and over again
feeling thrilled each time . . .
We are using that model.
We will be dispersed throughout the audience in the chapel.
On some signal
one of my gorgeous-voiced soprano friends
will stand up
sing the first line a capella
I stand up next and join her
still a capella
adding alto on the second line
piano enters next
then the rest of the chorus
one and two at at time
We rehearsed from our scattered position
for the first time last Sunday night
Wow . . .
That was electric
in a spirit blossoming way
I can't wait to get to perform.
One more rehearsal
a heavenly experience
I wish you all could be there

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's for Lunch?

Now that's a HUGE salad!

This is standard fare
as my school lunch these day
At least for as long as the honkin' bag of spinach lasts
after each shopping trip
I am making a conscious effort to get more veggies and fruits
into my day
It takes a little longer to prep in the morning
chicken cooked ahead and frozen
some chopping, grating, bagging

It feels good to be making healthy choices for my body

What are you doing for yourself today that feels just right?

Come Fly With Me

It's a week long celebration of Dr Seuss at school.

I've never quite gotten into Dr.Seuss

but I am into cute purple wings

and imagining how fun it would be to fly!

On "Wacky Wednesday" we got to wear any wacky thing we wanted.

There were lots of spray colored hairdos in crazy styles,

mismatched shoes and socks

odd combinations of fabric and clothing parts.

I wore my awesome purple wings.

I toured many of the classrooms,

scoping out the fun variety

and complimenting the kiddos on how focused

on their work they still managed to be.

If you want instant feedback:

Go to kindergarten.

I walked in.

I heard gasps and,

"Oh, Mrs. McKinley,

I LOVE your wings!"

Somehow, I knew they would. :o)

I wore them while I taught in 4th grade all morning.

When I went back to do some work in my office, I retired the wings.

They were made to fly

but not quite made for sitting in an office chair!