My hope was to stir up a sister overnighter at my house
Our own little bed & breakfast
Life happens and the result was
just Jana and I got a night together
Well, OK, I can totally enjoy that
You know it was a monumentous occasion
because I cooked!
Taco Soup . . . . Yum. . . . Lots of it
Then talk talk talk
We missed the presence and stories of all you absent sisters
maybe next time
There was plenty of soup for all of you
As tends to happen with book loving sisters, we next came to the quiet part of the evening.I pulled out an armload of the latest books
and we meandered and dived into whatever interested us . . . .
til we couldn't stay awake any longer.
I lasted til 11
Jana must have found the best book
as she stayed up til she finished it!
1:30 am
and no chocolate toasting
to absent siblings
Obviously I was prepared with the chocolate
but there were no takers
Not a sugar day, you know
Not a sugar day, you know
In the morning,we trekked together on one of my walking trails
before we said goodbye.
* * * * * * * *
So if we all were together
and compiled our memories with the journal prompt of
"Childhood scents"
How might the list start?:
Avon scent of mom's kiss
Jergen's lotion
Friday night scent of hamburgers, well done
sour staleness of my metal lunch pail
dark burnt scent of chicken beaks severed by a hot wire debeaker
earthy smell of hay on a hot day
new cement when house was first built
slick scent of heavy cream at the top of a bottle of whole milk
hot clean sheet and towels from the dryer
Chanel #5
Baby powder
Crayola wax
Mom's cedar closet
wet feathery smell of the egg washing water
cold icy scent of the walk in freezer
new Christmas doll plastic
brown toasty shuck scent of Uncle Ross' corn on the bonfire coals
What are some of your childhood "scent" memories?