100 Nurturing Things I'd Like To Do---or Do Again

 As I look at a new year starting  - - -2011 - - -I thought I'd make it a year of nurturing.  I brainstormed this list of nurture last night - - -and I wonder how many of them I will choose during this year.....or in the years to come.
      *Yea!  I did these and am glad I did.   And I'm likely to do many of them again.

I'm seeing a pattern here.   I see 2/3rds of the choices on my list are "no cost" and those the the ones I gravitate to.   That doesn't surprise me.  :o)

 1.  *Have a Bed & Breakfast adventure with my sisters  hm-m-m this sure would be fun . . . .what's the possibility, sisters?  3/11.  OK, I'm counting my overnighter with Jana 'cause it was nurturing.  But just know, I am open for another, sisters!  4/7 Oh yeah...3 sisters together this time.  Jocile didn't make it to the bed nor the breakfast....but she  made it til 11 pm! I make these rules....I count it!
 2.  *Read, read, read  M-m-m-m . . . .a multitude of stars here.  Yippy.
 3.  *Write some each day
 4.  *Draw some lines and curves each day
 5. *Spend some time on the Oregon coast   - - -Hey,hey, the rental home is booked!  Now watching for a sale on SW tickets.  Let me know if you see a hot sale for July.  6/11 Tickets purchased!  7/11 Oh yes, some ocean viewing/listening/smelling/enjoying time......nurturing, for sure.  I am grateful.
 6.  Hire my home cleaned
 7.  Ride a zip line----and scream!
 8.  Go to shows in Branson, Missouri (before Andy Williams croaks)
 9.  Take a jewelry making class---twirly metal, maybe 7/11 Poured over some fantastic jewelry making books at Barnes & Noble....would still like to take a class to help me learn some basics
10.  Attend the temple with all my children there   babysat while Tawnya went . . . not quite the same
11.  *Play with and read to grandchildren
12.  *Wear colors that make me happy
13.  *Drink hot chocolate
14. *Talk to a friend
15.  *Be totally heard
16.  Have a good cry
17.  Have someone help me organize messy spots
18.  *Enjoy a pedicure 6/11. Yea!  Did it myself.   Bubbly soak to start.  Ah-h-h.  Feels good.
19.  *Full body massage
20.  *Get my nails done Yea! Did them myself.  (They only grow out evenly long every 6 months.)  Bright purple tips with the b-day polish Amber gave me.  I love having my nails polished!
21.   *Hold still and notice my surroundings     - - -Such a sunset
22.   *Speak kindly to myself
23.  *Listen to books while I walk  better than noticing the icy January air
24.  *Get my car washed and serviced Yep! Road ready for spring break to Karma's house
25.  *Fresh haircut and color Yeah!
26.  *Fold towels and washcloths  Odd, perhaps, but soothing
27.  *Kiss grandbaby's soft neck
28.  *Sleep on fresh sheets  flannel in January . . .cozy mozy
29.  *Go to a concert with a friend  Robert Franz, conductor of the Boise Philharmonic is a blast to watch!
30.  Go ballroom dancing
31.  Stay in my pajamas all day  hey that sick day didn't count . . . I'm calling for a re-do!
32.  *Fix myself a cheese sandwich, potato chips and cold milk 3/11 Actually Karma fixed this for me...and grilled the cheese sandwich.  Tasty!  Thanks, Karma!
33.  *Play with color  3/11.  OO-eee...tried out something new.  Koi brand water color travel pack.  Has a "brush" that you fill with water, so you can paint anywhere you are.  How clever is that!? It's my first experiment with water color.  I'm such a wanna-be.  :o)
34. *Have plenty of juicy, flowing pens for my use  Oh yes!  Want to come play?
35. *Eat chocolate  This could have MANY stars in front of it......many many
36.  *Listen to Andy Williams or Karen Carpenter albums  Yes!  Thank you very much Pandora
37.  *Take art lessons  OK, I'm going to count getting coached on the 6th grade water color project
38.  *Make things out of paper
39.  Play with miniatures  I think I want to set up a little scene and take a picture, pretending it's real
40.  *Tell stories with puppets  In 4th grade a praying mantis and a desert mouse were not getting along
41.  *Notice what's good in others This gives me great joy.
42.  *Remind myself of my choices  Often, really often
43.  Discover an awesome man who works on "getting it" with communication and women!
        (Whoa . . .when this happens, don't be surprised if I kiss him on the cheek and propose marriage!)
44.  Take a belly dancing class
45.  *Sing with a microphone 5/8/11.Hm-m. Can nurture and fear co-exist?   I sang a solo in church today----at the microphone.   I was pretty nervous, yet I felt sustained and enhanced by the Holy Ghost.  So it was a very moving experience.
46.  *Watch the Northern Lights 5/2. Ok, this is a substitute...and it was in the east, I confess.  There was a splendid FULL rainbow in the sky tonight.  Such a gift.  I quickly made some phone calls.  "Quick!  Look outside!"
47.  Go on a cruise---and teach a class there
48.  Facilitate a women's nurture group
49.  *Do art with women  I got some water color paper in case my daughters want to come experiment with the project I learned at school.  I better ask them all and see if they are "in" for an art adventure. 7./11 Art with Sue
50.  *Meander in an art gallery 4/28.  Oh, how did he do that?  Got to meander among Carl Bloch's art and alter pieces.  Was partcularly touched by the painting of the daughter Jarius. 7/11 Saw some fantastic chunky jewelry in some Oregon art galleries....and some art that amazed me
51.  *Take a photography class 7/11 Been studying the CD for my new camera...am please with what I've learned so far
52.  *More massage! Oh yes, and this one was 90 minutes.  I am muscle melted by the end.  Ah-h-h-h.
53.  *Receive breakfast in bed Karma gave me a chocolate bar whose wrapper said it was breakfast in bed.  OK, I can be flexible.  I ate it.  Done!
54.  *Create a surprise for someone 3/11. Made a personal journal for Nanette to celebrate her senior vocal recital and future adventures.  With some shiny beads mod podged on the front cover, it was very "Nanette"!
55.  Crochet a hat or scarf
56.  Work with a friend to arrange and decorate my craft room
57.  *Spend time with girl friends
58.  *Create symbols of my strengths, as personal reminders  7/11 Painted and shared word rocks
59.  *Give myself a shopping spree Three pair of pants for $20. One brand new.  Yeah Savers!
60.  *Breathe deeply
61.  *Play in water Set up my outdoor fountain for the season---clean and bubbly running.  Sat out beside my fountain and experimented with water color on pages of one of my drawing books.  A water artist date!
62.  Create a nurture collage
63.  *Read an Ensign, highlighting each nurturing phrase I'm ready with my juicy highlighters.  Yep, February.
64.  Put nurture signs and reminders around my home
65.  *Have more fun in my work  Sometimes I just look into my little friend's eyes, and enjoy him
66.  *Make a book Uh huh, made a decorated lapbook, along with my kiddos in a small group at school:  Circle book, Comfort cards in a pocket, flap book.  Titled, "All About Me." Fun!
67.  Write stories of my courage and delight
68.  Be vulnerable with a friend
69.  Use my fanciest plates
70.  *Drink out of a stemmed glass
71.  *Ask for assistance in home repairs and fix-ups Tim was so kind ---for my birthday---to come assist with several things.   He put up my nifty necklace holder from IKEA.
72.  *Speak my gratitude
73.  *Eat a soft chocolate chip cookie Again, I thank Karma.  She always make yummy surprises.
74.  *Hug my children
75.  Hire someone to wash my windows
76.  Or pay myself to do it ---then plan a party with my earnings!
77.  *Combine outfit pieces in a new color combo
78.  *Order a double side of mashed potatoes at Chilis 4/12 Oh yum. A birthday treat for me.
79.  Learn to use a fancy camera No, not my new Nikon, but one with bells and whistles like Amber's
80.  Publish a book
81.  Create a writing retreat
82.  *Daily THANK YOUs to my Heavenly Father
83.  *Liken the scriptures to me and my life heart touched...how living the Word of Wisdom can help me be more sensitive to the prompting of the spirit.....I am grateful
84.  *Tell my children I love them
85.  *Go to bed early . . . . . sleep deeply   REALLY need a bunch of this.  3/11.OK a month of 7 hours of lights out on school nights accomplished.  That might be as good as it gets for now
86,  *Listen to understand
87.  *Uplift others . . . . allow myself to be uplifted by others Dinner with some single friends. We read a list out of a book and compared opinions (The Introvert Advantage) and spoke of qualities we see in one another.    Fun and nurturing.
88.  *See the good in what is With all the new changes in the education atmosphere, I'm practicing this one  pretty often.
89.  Name the feelings inside, be with them
90.  *Admit my mistakes
91.  *Notice whimsy 7/11 Still chuckling over watching a round grandma lady putting her make up on during church.  No mirror....foundation, several layers of eye shadow, mascara.  Really.
92.  *Seek the gift of discernment Praying for this . . . . trying to notice and say thank you when I see evidence of God's wisdom come through me
93.  *Allow my mistakes to teach me 6/11 Lesson:  Call the insurance co before a medical procedure.  That lesson cost me $175...ouch.  Didn't realize rules changed since my last mammogram.
94.  *Re-read in my journals 3/11.Oh, I loved re-reading my notes from 2010 Women's conf.  I can do all things through Christ. . . . I can make a difference . . . . We're all meant to shine . . .Write down specific revelations that come to you . . . After all we can do, the atonement will fill in the gaps, not only at the end of life, but daily.
95.  *Write about what I notice, feel, experience, see, do
96.  *Encourage others
97.  *Play at blogging
98.  Practice clarity in conversations  (I know how to be kind,  I need practice in being clear)
99.  Take risks that make sense to me
100. * Speak kindly to myself!

Oh, the list could go on and on.   
Are there any on my list you want to do with me?
What would you put on your Nurture list?
How can I support you in nurturing yourself?


  1. Oh, so many of those I want to do with you!
    As I read, I kept thinking to myself, "Ooo, I wanna do that with her" or "Ooo, I want to do that too". :)

    I love you! You're MY best mom. So glad to know you. XOXOXO

  2. There are a whole bunch I'd like to do with you, too! And several I'd like to adopt for my own list.
    Thatks for sharing...and inspiring me.

  3. didn't see a southwest sale on tickets, but i did see one on american airlines... in reference to #5
