Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My how time flies
Cousin Chick Chat Part 1
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
'Stache Patrol
Thursday, May 26, 2011
New Rule
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A First for Me
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Reflection on the past
Spring, Clouds and Memories
As years go by
I seem to love spring
more and more
(One reason could be
it signals the approach of school's end:
light at the end of a 9 month tunnel of heavy scheduling)
Yet it's more than that
It is a link to God's world and provision of such beauty for me
I love having light at the end of the day
Even light at the beginning of the day
(no longer have to wear my reflector jacket in the dark morning)
The smell of blossoms as I walk the neighborhoods
Color poking up from the ground
Grass magically showing up green
Rainbow in the clouds
That reminds me of a difficult and precious season in my life:
The first season I started paying attention to the clouds
I was a single mom with six young children. My car was a drab beige clunker --but paid for!---with a driver's door that flew open when I turned right....unless I remembered to secure it with a piece of rope. It was the best I had.
I was tightly focused: if I could just finish my university classes. Then I could search for a full time job, trading in my 3 little part time jobs.
Money was spread thin. I operated from the envelope method. If the category envelopes in my purse were empty, I was done spending.
I discovered cloud's rich bounty. As I traveled across town to a cleaning job or to class, I would notice the sky and pray out my concerns to Heavenly Father.
Help me know what to do. Hold my fear. Bless these precious children of mine. Cushion them from the buffeting of this season. Help me to focus, to concentrate, to keep my face toward Thy light. Help me have the energy to make it through this day. Help me to step beyond fear.....to walk in faith.
I began to notice the variety and splendor of the clouds each day. Such color. Such texture. Unending art in the sky----from God. Just for me, in that moment. I chose the clouds as a symbol for God's gifts to me. Every day I glanced to the sky, curious what I would see.
There was no shortage in His Bounty. No empty envelopes in the richness of His creation.
There were moments of assurance that He knew me. He was aware of my dilemnas. He helped me take tiny steps forward. Tiny steps into the dark of my unknown. My tears would flow as I chatted with Him.
Thank you, Heavenly Father. You have made such a beautiful sky. I can make it this day.
Thank you . . . . Thank you
Three of the Flock
Early crawl/walk/run stage here
And some smashing baby blues, too!
Daisylyn might be saying,
while Sydney chomps down this Halloween night
You've heard of show-and-tell
This is lookin' like chew-and-yell!
We miss you, Clawsons! Love you guys
Girls and their Babies
Sometimes you grab.......er trade infants
the super hair-do ones
say yes
to wrapping them
in soft love flannel
Baby dolls were gathered
all parts of the house
This one
with red-head pigtails
usually sits on my bed
as a touch of whimsy in my room
this baby boy
seems resigned
to his fate
of sweet love